As McDonald’s launched their newest food burger product, “McDonald’s Burger Cheese dunk” on March 10, netizens were surprised in different responses of other Fast food chains in the Philippines. Many people on the internet were amused by each Fast Food Brand’s version of the “cheese dunk.” Everyone has an opinion about their new product including fast food chains. It also leads to netizens trying McDo’s newest product out of curiosity. As Filipinos are known for their competitiveness, many fast food chains created a stir by throwing shade McDonald’s most recent product in the funniest ways as possible.
These are the Fast Food Brands that have joined the Dunk Bardagulan:
Burger King countered it with a quote “Oozing with cheese. No dunking needed.” As a self-proclaimed “King”, this fast food chain proved that their 4-Cheese Whopper is the OG Burger that don’t even need to dunk to enjoy it.
KFC entered the conversation with a quote “The OG Dunk”. KFC have been so eager to let everyone know that they are the one who introduced the concept of “Dunking” as they caption “Dunking since day 1.” But in their overflowing gravy version. KFC serving us the hotshots fired everyone!
Army Navy joins the talk with a quote “We DUNK Stuff too.” As they imposed that the only dunk that the people needs to “TACO” about is their Birria tacos!
Mary Grace Café on the other hard slamming every fast food brands with their quote “Tita’s don’t dunk, Tita’s Dip.” As they are proud of their famous black velvet cake and dip with their hot chocolate that’s been talked of everyone in the town this past few days even on TikTok.
Samgyupsalamat pridefully joins the bardagulan of the other fast food brands with their statement as they claimed of having an UNLI cheese dunk way before the other fast food brands launched their own. “Cheese Dunk? Matagal na kaming may ganyan, UNLI pa!”
Bonchon Chicken Philippines didn’t let their brand be late from the other fast food chains as they claimed that brushing is still the best way to enjoy their favourite chickens as they said that “Brushed not Dunked!”
Everyone has enjoyed their affordable and delicious breads for how many decades as Pinoy’s almusal or merienda is not complete without Julie’s bread together with a 3 in 1 hot coffee! The one and only Julie’s Bakeshop wiped out other Fast Food chains entry as they claimed that from the time of our grandparents up to the present, “Nothing beats the classic Pinoy dunk!” Timeless indeed!
Netizens place their own bets on each Fast Food chain brand entry that they liked the most.
Since Filipinos are renowned for their clever markeThingz of their own products and businesses, some people remarked that “The design is very Philippines.”
Many more businesses, both big and small, joined the online trend as part of their marketing plans to promote their own products. As you can see from the outcome, many people were entertained and have been thanking all the brands who took part with sports mentality and doesn’t let the opportunity slide in the social media to showcase their creativeness in memes. Do you now understand just how important it is to have a catchy, relevant digital marketing plan?
Who in this Dunk Bardagulan has your heart? Share your ideas with us!